Tuesday, May 19, 2009

more poultry pictures =)

Since we did not bore you too terribly, here are a few new pictures!... and I hope some video... we'll see how that goes!

The ducks nowadays.. this morning actually... getting SO big!

OOPS! I didn't rotate it first again =( Anyways, here is the bird tamer working with the littlest peeps...

Here is Christiana running around the ducks... note the chicken wire AROUND the pool; they got out one morning last week and boy, was it a messy room. ICK! We promptly made sure they wouldn't get out again...

Here are a few (7) chickens asleep in the dog bowl; we tried it out as a feeding dish cause tehy are heavy enough to knock over the egg carton we were using. They don't flip this over... but they sleep in it!

Here's the baby mallards. Aren't they CUTE?


Christiana and Erin... my darling 2 year old had to pick the first peony that opened up... good thing there are more!

A close up of our chicken looking chicks... They are still pretty small size wise, but they are definitely looking like chickens...

A close up of them falling asleep on their perch.

Yes, they are all perched up on a stick except for that one! Looks like they are outgrowing our bin...

David says "Hi!"

Christiana, the ever charming... or at least sometimes charming...

Here is a video we took the morning after the chicks hatched, as they were stumbling about the incubator.

These are the Mallard (or Rouen) ducklings we got this weekend. Samuel has SO wanted a mallard... but the hatcheries will only ship ducks out in groups of 12 or so... eek! We don't need 12! So, he was in luck this weekend... his devoted, loving and indulgent mother brought him 2 (I couldn't see taking only one, as they snuggle and will be lonely alone in a brooder.. they are way too small to put in with the enormous Khakis or the weird chickens...) Anyways, this little fellow objected to being taken from the farm store and the 30 other ducklings he was snuggled with.. he peeped and peeped and peeped for hours...

OK, I think we got all of the video and pictures working... lemme know!

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