Monday, October 26, 2009

fall =)

We have been inundated with rain and cold this fall... well, actually this year. It was a COLD wet winter, a cold wet spring, a cold wet summer... the tradition continues, apparently. One brief break in the gray sky let some of us get out and enjoy some leaf raking!

Here is a view of the back yard... the sun was on its way down... hence the shadows and poor lighting...
Christiana enthusiastically embraced the concept of throwing leaves and jumping in =)
Joshua is still anti- camera. He rakes well, though!
Noah =)
Everyone's favorite duck, Lookie. By the way, 6 eggs yesterday! woo hoo! How did 5 girls produce 6 eggs? hmmmm....
Erin still enjoys the leaves (and posing...)
More leaf throwing...

Is that a great smile, or what?
William had to come out and enjoy some fresh air, too! Isn't he just kissable?
Back inside for a tea party!

1 comment:

Christy B. said...

Love, love, love those pictures! Almost makes me want to be back up north for some of that "seasonal" fun!!!!

By the way, please tell those children to stop growing....makes me so sad to "see" them grow up in pictures :( sniff sniff

Erin is just beautiful....and precious Christiana.

Love you all!