Tuesday, November 18, 2008

There are so many things to be grateful for. I really don't know how I'm supposed to list all of them. But I am going to try to list a few.

I am grateful for:

My mom and dad
Our pets, the dog, our four birds,and the fish
My baby sister (even though she does mess with things she's not supposed to)
My 11 year old sister who won't let me kiss her
All those boys who are going crazy over the over due library book
Peppermints, spearmints, anything that tastes like mint
A two acre backyard
Friends back in Illinois
A van who's engine should last at least a few more years

And thousands of other things!

I hope to continue the list soon. For now, this is all I have time for.


1 comment:

The B. Family said...

Hey Lucy,

I really feel for Erin...I won't let Hannah kiss me either!

She loves me anyway...I think...:)

Yes, baby sisters are certainly something to be grateful for! (Well...even when they scream....and cry...and whine...but they are cute anyway!)
