Well, haven't I neglected the blog?
Here are some new pictures to enjoy!
First up... apparently faeries inhabit our yard... Samuel found this evidence; appears to be normal mushrooms, right? hmmmmm maybe not....
A wider shot reveals the truth! A faerie ring!
And if that isn't exciting enough for ya... check out our first duck egg! =)
Now, these ducks apparently don't know what is good for them, because they are only producing one or two eggs a day. Perhaps they know that I can't figure out who to cook for Thanksgiving dinner if they take turns slowly producing eggs... They had better pick up production! They are giving Khaki Campbells a BAD name!
In other news, here is a picture of a movie star who dropped by one day for lunch. Charming lady...
Because we know everybody really just wants to see the boy:
No babies were harmed in the taking of this picture, honestly!
David loves holding William =)
These pictures are so sweet =) Noah just loves his baby!
Grandma and Grandpa have arrived! Luckily Grandma can hold William; he has been trying to keep his weight down so she can hold him even though she just had neck surgery. ;)
Below is David on his 8th birthday!
Alright, now that the camera memory stick is empty, perhaps we can get some good pictures in with Grandma and Grandpa... maybe apple picking? Stay tuned!